Sometimes I wonder; Do I paint my own retina to fall asleep - and wake up - to...?

"When the soul wishes to experience something she throws an image of the experience out before her and enters into her own image."
(M. Eckhart)

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Tone Aanderaa Presentation of Paintings

In My Summer Garden (Oil on canvas, 90 x 70 cm)

Skogsnymfen (oil on canvas 60 x 50 cm) Sold

Lysbuen (oil on canvas, 60 x 50 cm) - Sold

Forest Temple (collage/digital) - Cover for Secret Garden Note book

Turtle Reading (Oil on canvas 60 x 50 cm)

Moon Tour (Oil on canvas, 50 x 50 cm

Apple Tree (Oil, 90 x 120 cm) - Solgt

Watersong (Oil, 50 x 70 cm) - Solgt

Ved Bredden (Oil, 80 x 60 cm) - Solgt

Melancholy of an Odalisque 1 (Oil, 60 x 60 cm) Solgt

Running Deer (Oil, 90 x 70 cm)

Moon Gate (Oil, 60 x 80 cm) - KE

Tree Girl (Oil, 80 x 60 cm)

The Aquarium Fish (Oil, 60 x 50 cm)

Frog Castle (Oil, 60 x 80 cm)

Borgen (Oil, 60 x 80 cm)

Castle of Golden Apples Tripdyck (Oil, 65x150cm - 100 x 150 cm - 65 x 150 cm) KE

Eyes That See (Oil, 150 x 100 cm)

Utspring (Oil, 100 x 150 cm)

Behind the Moon is Humming (Oil, 170 x 140 cm)

Crow's Nest (Oil 60 x 50 cm)

Gateway (Oil, 40 x 60 cm)

Mira Behind Lace (Oil, 50 x 60 cm) - KE

Sanctuary (Oil, 80 x 60 cm) - KE

Dreamer (Oil, 60 x 80 cm)

Wishing Well (Oil, 80 x 80 cm)

Konkyliekvinnen (Oil, 50 x 60 cm) - KE

Lake of Water Lilies (Oil, 80 x 70 cm)

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