Sometimes I wonder; Do I paint my own retina to fall asleep - and wake up - to...?

"When the soul wishes to experience something she throws an image of the experience out before her and enters into her own image."
(M. Eckhart)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Winter time

It's winter time - and I spend a lot of time in the forest;


Du må ikke be meg skynde meg nå
for jeg går i en gammel skog
Hjertet mitt løper der fremme
Jeg følger langsomt etter
trør varsomt
gjennom lyng og mose
Mens jeg leter
og mitt hjerte finner
Glemte stier

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Dragonheart; Living The Dream.

I would like to introduce my latest Encounter:
Melanie Mulhall;  'Dragonheart - Living The Dream'.

'Flying Tree', painting by Tone Aanderaa
Melanie Mulhall is a Colorado shaman and spiritual mentor whose lineage can be traced back to Black Elk. She is a midwife of the human spirit whose work incorporates shamanic practices used around the world to help humans achieve harmony with the world and live a beautiful dream.
Melanie holds both BA and MA degrees, is a Reiki Master, and is certified in Psych-K. She is an award winning editor and the award winning author of the book Living the Dream, A Guidebook for Job Seekers and Career Explorers. Melanie is adept at working with energy to apply universal, ancient principles to everything she does in her own work and in her work with clients