Sometimes I wonder; Do I paint my own retina to fall asleep - and wake up - to...?

"When the soul wishes to experience something she throws an image of the experience out before her and enters into her own image."
(M. Eckhart)

Saturday, June 10, 2017

In the meantime - I am a curator and a gardener

Well, I wouldn't call myself a gardener... I am not... I am an artist who Loves to work in the garden!
As Spring evolves....turns into Summer, and our Internatonal exhibition approaches... I can feel the Enchantment arriving!
Today, I managed to catch one very special moment; The flax/vlas/lin in blossom! It lasts for only ONE DAY!
This evening it was away - like a dream!
As seen this morning:
And from out 'Tree House' - a bit higher up :)