Sometimes I wonder; Do I paint my own retina to fall asleep - and wake up - to...?

"When the soul wishes to experience something she throws an image of the experience out before her and enters into her own image."
(M. Eckhart)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Girls - girls - girls

My exhibition of paintings this year at 'Art Sanctuary - Station 14'
has been about girls - girls - girls...and remembering.....childhood;
Inspired profoundly by my two little nieces visiting our garden last year (making it ever more Enchanted). (See Gallery Childhood)
And so, of course, I remember back....soon 30 years ago....painting the mother of these two little girls, my own little sister - at this same age:


Jeg har en liten søster
en liten kvinne
er blitt stor
 - og mor

Hun gikk en gang
og trødde på en haug
og sang
om alt hun skulle
når hun en gang ble så stor
som hun er nå
- og mor

Nå går en annen der og trør
og synger
om en dag
når hun blir stor
 - og mor

Og haugen ligger der
og lytter
mens den teller
etter mor
etter mor etter mor

Som blomster
vokser kvinnene
på haugen
Mange røde
noen blå

knytter blomsterkranser
mens de synger
Livet frem igjen
på haugen
som er Alles Store Mor

(Fra samlingen 'POE-ETISKE VOGGESANGER - Epistler fra et mørkt fastland'
Utgitt 2009
Tone Aanderaa.)

Monday, August 25, 2014

Moments from 'The Enchanted Garden', 2014

And welcome back next year! Our 5th Anniversary! :)

Monday, August 18, 2014

Sadie - I wish You Godspeed!

Sadie - Sadie - Sadie....where are you now?
My dear dear poet friend
- Sadie from Wyoming -
Sadie from 'Far Away Where the Apples Grow'.....
Sadie, my constant BIG sister....always able to see a bit further than I could...
and Always there, supportive, encouraging, loving
 - and always and forever believing in Love Eternal!
You and Me....
Sisters Eternally....!
You were the Master of the words;
I can only Thank You
from the Bottom of my Heart,
for All you have Given me
and Been to me
through all these years
of a most Amazing friendship!



Long years ago, when we first met

you were someone magical:

an artist, special.  With your brush,

you taught  the meaning of enchantment

and gave life to our fantasies;

and from the land of fjords and forests,

castles and gnomes,

you had some small belief

in the doodles of a week-end poet.


Over a divide of sea

we conquered the oceans,

became sisters;

but now, midway in this passage through time,

you say you are stripping away

the skins of all your yesterdays

to follow love, to be more than you are;

and with this, my friend

I wish you Godspeed,

and send you flying to him

on Cupid’s wings.

 Sadie Robertson

I Thank you for All and Everything!
Till next time we meet.....
You titled this painting:
I know you pointed these out as your favorites:
'Ra Spirit' (In Norway)
'Wishing Tree' (In Transition)
'Belgian Night (In Belgium)

Thank you, Sadie -
for ALL that you have given me!


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Performance in my 'Threads of Norns' installation, August 3, 2014

A beautiful performance in my 'Threads of Norns' installation, in Art Sanctuary's Enchanted Garden
with Virginie verdie (dance) and Ingrid Bourgeois (violin)


Ref: The creation of the installation 'Threads of Norns'