Sometimes I wonder; Do I paint my own retina to fall asleep - and wake up - to...?
"When the soul wishes to experience something she throws an image of the experience out before her and enters into her own image."
(M. Eckhart)
"When the soul wishes to experience something she throws an image of the experience out before her and enters into her own image."
(M. Eckhart)
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Friday, October 31, 2014
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Dance with Water - Carpe Diem - in a special week
A special week for me - my little sister has just had her birthday - and my mother's is approaching. My mother - I am missing her....
In the meantime I am truly grateful to have one of my mother's grandchildren giving me one of these 'Carpe Diem' experiences :)
In the meantime I am truly grateful to have one of my mother's grandchildren giving me one of these 'Carpe Diem' experiences :)
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Remembering Ra-Spririt
I dear friend reminded me of this today; A few years back a beautiful Crow arrived and spent several months with me - 'Ra-Spirit' was, and still is, one of my most Magical experiences ever!
Friday, October 10, 2014
I can Fly! Jeg kan fly! - Ribbedebie!
I am an angel,
she said.
I have wings, and I can fly.
You don't always see my wings
but they are always there....
If you don't believe me,
it doesn't really matter -
for one day you will see -
that I have flown away.
When I have flown away
then you will see
that I could actually fly
I flew away, didn't I -
- and disappeared
she said.
I have wings, and I can fly.
You don't always see my wings
but they are always there....
If you don't believe me,
it doesn't really matter -
for one day you will see -
that I have flown away.
When I have flown away
then you will see
that I could actually fly
I flew away, didn't I -
- and disappeared
Jeg er en engel,
sa hun.
Jeg har vinger og jeg kan fly.
Du ser ikke alltid vingene mine,
men de er alltid der....
Hvis du ikke tror meg,
er det ikke så nøye -
for en dag vil du se -
at jeg har fløyet bort.
sa hun.
Jeg har vinger og jeg kan fly.
Du ser ikke alltid vingene mine,
men de er alltid der....
Hvis du ikke tror meg,
er det ikke så nøye -
for en dag vil du se -
at jeg har fløyet bort.
Når jeg har fløyet bort
så vil du se
at jeg faktisk kunne fly
jeg fløy jo bort
- og ble borte-vekk!
så vil du se
at jeg faktisk kunne fly
jeg fløy jo bort
- og ble borte-vekk!
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
"FAIRYTALES?" - Opening October 1st, 2014
Tone Aanderaa is een Noorse schilder, illustrator en dichter maar ook muziek houdt haar bezig. Geboren in Bergen (1957)
was als kind haar beste vriend een kleine blauwe vogel. Al jong begon ze te tekenen, schilderen en schrijven.
Op haar 15 besloot ze dat haar missie was om kunstenaar te worden. Na haar opleiding in Noorwegen en de USA gaat ze zich verder ontwikkelen in de magische kunst. Ze reist veel door Noorwegen en de USA. Sinds 2008 verblijft ze regelmatig in België.
Daar heeft ze een samenwerkingsverband opgericht van Belgische, Nederlandse en Noorse kunstenaars.
“Wanneer de ziel iets wil ervaren, geeft ze een overvloed van beelden en komt zo tot haar eigen beeld”. (Meister Eckhart.)
was als kind haar beste vriend een kleine blauwe vogel. Al jong begon ze te tekenen, schilderen en schrijven.
Op haar 15 besloot ze dat haar missie was om kunstenaar te worden. Na haar opleiding in Noorwegen en de USA gaat ze zich verder ontwikkelen in de magische kunst. Ze reist veel door Noorwegen en de USA. Sinds 2008 verblijft ze regelmatig in België.
Daar heeft ze een samenwerkingsverband opgericht van Belgische, Nederlandse en Noorse kunstenaars.
“Wanneer de ziel iets wil ervaren, geeft ze een overvloed van beelden en komt zo tot haar eigen beeld”. (Meister Eckhart.)
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
FAIRYTALES? - Preparing a new exhibition - in Holland
Tone Aanderaa – at Galerie Marie –
exhibition shows a series of paintings created during a period for me an
important Transition;
during – and after – arriving in Belgium.
For most of
my life my home has been near the shore of the Hardanger fjord, in Western
After eight
years in America, 7 of these studying art – and as a conclusion receiving my
Master of Fine Arts degree at Pratt Institute, New York – I moved back to my
family roots; painting, writing, and teaching art – and searching the shores –
for the next 20 + years;
From early
childhood my strongest memories seem to all be visual; Images on walls and in
books opened Magical doors and windows to me; I was an only child, left mostly
to myself (my parents were young).
And, of course, Nature was always there –
combination/background has given me the inspiration to create – paint and write – ever since;
It has been
my way to search and connect to the world I live in;
In an evolving visual language.
My paintings
are still really all about my ‘childhood eyes’, seeing and experiencing this ‘strange’,
at times scary
wonderful - Life;
Still believing in fairytales and stories, still
wondering and pondering; My Encounters…..
I sometimes
think of my paintings as ‘foretelling’ and/or ‘remembering’.
sometimes I think ‘Perhaps I am painting my own retina; To fall asleep with,
and wake up to…?’
Or, as in a
quote I found one day many years ago: “When the soul wishes to experience
something, she throws an image of the experience out before her and enters into
her own image.” (Meister Eckhart)
My painting
is about Who I am; - What I see and experience, what I feel along the way –
inspired by a long line of other painters/artists living before me – and alongside
me – and all the stories; real, dreamed, imagined, and remembered; in a Visual
has been a theme for me for a long time; This indefinable space between here
and there; Between Dream and Waking Reality; This ‘Meantime’ is magical, a
place where one can wander in and out of open doors;
Dream and
reality are no longer separate;
Time is
The clock
ceases to tick.
Tone Aanderaa - 2014
Books: ‘A Painters’s Vision’ (2013, Art Sanctuary; International/Visual/English)
'The Forest Temple' (2013, Art Sanctuary; International),
‘Det store puslespillet’ (2004, Eide Forlag; Norwegian), ‘Poe-etiske
Voggesanger', (2009, Art Sanctuary, Drawings - Norwegian), ‘PUST’,
(2009, Art Sanctuary; Photos - Norwegian)
Tone Aanderaa
Haar leven in een notendop
het grootste deel van mijn leven was de kust van Hardangerfjord in het
Zuid-Westen van Noorwegen mijn thuis.
Na 8 jaar
USA, met het behalen van een Master in Fine Arts, - aan het New-Yorkse Pratt
Institute, - kwam ik terug naar de streek van mijn familie.
schrijven, les geven, en ook leven aan en met de zee, maar ook … dromen …
vulden de volgende twintig jaar van mijn leven. Daarna volgden België, Art
Sanctuary en De Betoverende Tuin, - een jaarlijkse internationale
kunsttentoonstelling waarin de tuin haar zomers canvas wordt.
Waarom schilderen?
Als enig
kind van jonge ouders, veelal alleen, was ik bezig met mijn omgeving en de
Natuur was er altijd. Vanaf mijn jeugd waren visuele herinneringen de sterkste.
Foto’s openden deuren en vensters naar een Magische wereld.
combinatie, deze achtergrond gaf mij de inspiratie tot creëren, - schilderijen,
boeken en gedichten. Vanaf dan was het mijn zoeken, mijn weg tot het
terugvinden en opnieuw contact leggen met de wereld waarin ik leefde en dit in
steeds evoluerend visuele taal.
schilderijen zijn nog steeds verbonden met mijn jeugdige visuele ervaringen,
die een vreemde, soms benauwelijk maar altijd wonderlijke wereld toonden, nog
altijd gelovend in sprookjes en verhalen. Nog altijd verwonderd, nog altijd
mijmerend over Ontmoetingen.
Thema’s in de schilderijen
beschouw ik mijn schilderijen als voorspellingen, soms als herinneringen. Soms
denk ik dat ik mijn eigen netvlies schilder, in slaap val met en ontwaak met
beelden, of zoals in een citaat van Meister Eckhart ‘Wanneer de ziel iets wenst
te beleven, dan gooit ze een beeld van de belevenis voor haar en stapt ze in
haar eigen beeld’.
schilderijen gaan over mezelf, wat ik zie en ervaar, wat ik onderweg voel. Ze
zijn geïnspireerd door de vele kunstenaars die voor mij leefden of samen met
mij leven en de vele gedroomde, ingebeelde, of herinnerde verhalen en
gebeurtenissen. Dit alles omgezet in een visuele taal.
(Grensoverschrijdend / Overgang) is een thema die me reeds lang bezig houdt.
Het is de ondefinieerbare ruimte tussen hier en daar, tussen droom en het
ontwaken. Deze overgang is magisch, een plaats die men kan binnenkomen en
verlaten langs open deuren.
Droom en
realiteit worden één geheel, de tijd stopt, de klok tikt niet meer.
Deze tentoonstelling
tentoonstelling toont een reeks van schilderijen die ik gedurende een voor
mezelf belangrijke periode heb geschilderd: de overgang naar België, voor,
tijdens en na de verhuis. Deze tentoonstelling is ook een retrospectieve van 7
jaar België en 4 jaar ‘De Betoverde Tuin’
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Girls - girls - girls
My exhibition of paintings this year at 'Art Sanctuary - Station 14'
has been about girls - girls - girls...and remembering.....childhood;
Inspired profoundly by my two little nieces visiting our garden last year (making it ever more Enchanted). (See Gallery Childhood)
And so, of course, I remember back....soon 30 years ago....painting the mother of these two little girls, my own little sister - at this same age:
Jeg har en liten søster
en liten kvinne
er blitt stor
- og mor
Hun gikk en gang
og trødde på en haug
og sang
om alt hun skulle
når hun en gang ble så stor
som hun er nå
- og mor
Nå går en annen der og trør
og synger
om en dag
når hun blir stor
- og mor
Og haugen ligger der
og lytter
mens den teller
etter mor
etter mor etter mor
Som blomster
vokser kvinnene
på haugen
Mange røde
noen blå
knytter blomsterkranser
mens de synger
Livet frem igjen
på haugen
som er Alles Store Mor
(Fra samlingen 'POE-ETISKE VOGGESANGER - Epistler fra et mørkt fastland'
Utgitt 2009
Tone Aanderaa.)
has been about girls - girls - girls...and remembering.....childhood;
Inspired profoundly by my two little nieces visiting our garden last year (making it ever more Enchanted). (See Gallery Childhood)
And so, of course, I remember back....soon 30 years ago....painting the mother of these two little girls, my own little sister - at this same age:
Jeg har en liten søster
en liten kvinne
er blitt stor
- og mor
Hun gikk en gang
og trødde på en haug
og sang
om alt hun skulle
når hun en gang ble så stor
som hun er nå
- og mor
Nå går en annen der og trør
og synger
om en dag
når hun blir stor
- og mor
Og haugen ligger der
og lytter
mens den teller
etter mor
etter mor etter mor
Som blomster
vokser kvinnene
på haugen
Mange røde
noen blå
knytter blomsterkranser
mens de synger
Livet frem igjen
på haugen
som er Alles Store Mor
(Fra samlingen 'POE-ETISKE VOGGESANGER - Epistler fra et mørkt fastland'
Utgitt 2009
Tone Aanderaa.)
Monday, August 25, 2014
Monday, August 18, 2014
Sadie - I wish You Godspeed!
Sadie - Sadie - Sadie....where are you now?
My dear dear poet friend
- Sadie from Wyoming -
Sadie from 'Far Away Where the Apples Grow'.....
Sadie, my constant BIG sister....always able to see a bit further than I could...
and Always there, supportive, encouraging, loving
- and always and forever believing in Love Eternal!
You and Me....
Sisters Eternally....!
You were the Master of the words;
I can only Thank You
from the Bottom of my Heart,
for All you have Given me
and Been to me
through all these years
of a most Amazing friendship!
Long years ago, when we first met
you were someone magical:
an artist, special.
With your brush,
you taught the meaning
of enchantment
and gave life to our fantasies;
and from the land of fjords and forests,
castles and gnomes,
you had some small belief
in the doodles of a week-end poet.
Over a divide of sea
we conquered the oceans,
became sisters;
but now, midway in this passage through time,
you say you are stripping away
the skins of all your yesterdays
to follow love, to be more than you are;
and with this, my friend
I wish you Godspeed,
and send you flying to him
on Cupid’s wings.
I Thank you for All and Everything!
Till next time we meet.....
You titled this painting:
I know you pointed these out as your favorites:
'Ra Spirit' (In Norway)
'Wishing Tree' (In Transition)
'Belgian Night (In Belgium)
Thank you, Sadie -
for ALL that you have given me!
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Performance in my 'Threads of Norns' installation, August 3, 2014
A beautiful performance in my 'Threads of Norns' installation, in Art Sanctuary's Enchanted Garden
with Virginie verdie (dance) and Ingrid Bourgeois (violin)
Ref: The creation of the installation 'Threads of Norns'
Monday, July 14, 2014
My own work this year; Threads...(Ephemeral), Planting Branches....(Rejuvenation)...and Painting (Being... Alive)
So - after a rather busy time, of preparing and setting up the exhibition of Art Sanctuary's 'Enchanted Garden' (organizer and curator) - I thought it is time to present a bit of my own work this year; presently on exhibit at Art Sanctuary - Station 14 (The gallery), and in The Enchanted Garden (outside).
- I will start with what I have come to think of as 'my Outside Canvas'; 'The Enchanted Garden' - A large and beautiful garden - in the heart of Europe, just on the 'border' between the Flemish and the French part of Belgium.
- Coming from Norway, with Magritte being my 'teen age hero', it's an experience with dimensions - and yes, you bet I see that 'Magritte Sky' - it's (Sur)Real! :))
It was the second year of Art Sanctuary's 'Enchanted Garden' - 2012 -
that my mother passed away - suddenly.
Which is when I started my work with the Threads....My mother always always worked with threads... nets....threads...threads....threads... Me, I was a painter, never good at knitting, fishing with nets yes...but never lines....never threads....
And somehow -
About 3 months later...On her birthday that same year (Oct. 27th) I managed to start this:
And then it continued......'Threads of Thought'....
In 2013 I worked with a Flemish tapestry workshop (again working with threads), transferring several of my paintings into tapestries...and an installation; 'Forest Temple'. (Ref. documentation), dedicated to my mother.
During the autumn and winter of 2013-2014 I continued working with the threads in the forest... now referring to 'Norne-tråder' (i norrøn mytologi er tre norner alltid tilstede når et menneske blir født; Urd, Verdande, og Skuld) - According to Norse mythology three Norns are always present at the birth of a human; Urd, the eldest, spins the thread (of the human life), Verdande is the Norn who measures the thread....and Skuld, the youngest of the Norns, is the one who will cut the thread when the life will end (and, being the youngest, Skuld also tends to play a bit, sometimes making difficulties/challenges...during the life of the human.)
A large 'Room' of the forest, twelve trees are the 'pillars'; flickering light through the treetops - the scent of earth, the sky above reflected in the little well below, Urd's well, and her spinning wheel nearby; Spinning the 'Threads of Norns'. A place to sit and contemplate....Life, Nature...Being... (Copyright Tone Aanderaa)
My threads are of jute; to me they symbolize the ephemeral.
(The jute threads will disappear within a relatively short time).
My other work on my 'outside canvas' this year is somehow about the very opposite;
Placing cut branches, normally dead after a short time, in the ground
(when and if this ground and soil will allow it - which it does here!)
is something I have always dreamed of, but never saw the possibility of where I lived in Norway (too much rock, not enough suitable soil).....
Doing a necessary cutting of several willows autumn 2013 'donated' a huge pile of branches to this dream of mine.
And so, I started putting branches in the ground, not sure what to believe...would or would they not come to life - again?
It was a VERY interesting Spring!
(Selected works:)

Forest Chapel
(a few selected)
My paintings this last year are inspired by my sister's family visiting the garden here last year; in particular my little nieces.
'Girl on th Stairs' (Oil on canvas, 60 cm x 70 cm)
'Awesome' (Oil on canvas, 50 cm x 60 cm)
(this little girl is also the 'guide' showing the way through the exhibition)

'Blomsterpike' (Oil on canvas, 60 cm x 50 cm)
(Welcomes you back from the garden)
'Run- run - run!
(Oil on canvas, 50 cm x 60 cm)
'Touch' ('Wishing is an Act of Magic')
(Oil on canvas, 60 cm x 50 cm)
'Madame Automne'
(oil on canvas, 80 cm x 60 cm)
High quality prints of the paintings can be ordered here:
Finally, I'd like to share my installation based on several paintings this year;
Based on several different paintings this year.
And finally:
I created the artwork for the two CD's now playing as sound installations in the Enchanted Garden:
Artwork Copyright: Tone Aanderaa
Artwork Copyright: Tone Aanderaa
The exhibition at Art Sanctuary's Enchanted Garden is open till August 3rd -
see further information:
Monday, June 2, 2014
WELCOME - BIENVENUE - WELKOM June 27 - August 3 2014!
As organizer of, and participating in this most special yearly event;
It is with great pleasure I invite you to the Opening/Ouverture of
stories and tales
This year’s exhibition invites the visitor on a journey of myths and legends, mysteries and wonders; An avenue of cherry trees, apple trees with promises, winding trails, deep ponds and secret forest rooms, chapels and a labyrinth, threads of destiny, goddesses, and sleeping beauties…
This large and natural garden, situated just near the ‘border’ between the French and the Flemish part of Belgium, hosts a most special International art exhibition;
Art Inspired by, and in Dialogue With, Nature.
Twenty two artists from Belgium, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, and Ukraine, are represented with works in glass, stone, metal, wood, and ceramics, land art, sound installations and music.
Art Inspired by, and in Dialogue With, Nature.
Twenty two artists from Belgium, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, and Ukraine, are represented with works in glass, stone, metal, wood, and ceramics, land art, sound installations and music.
OPENING CONCERT with Nicky Bendix:
- Nicky Bendix will also be releasing 2 CDs, only available at Art Sanctuary:
- 'Threads of the Nornir' - also experienced as sound installation in a Land Art 'Room of threads' in the forest
(Tone Aanderaa).
(Tone Aanderaa).
Artwork on CD: Tone Aanderaa
- 'Healing Garden' - also experienced as a sound installation during the exhibition period.
Artwork on CD: Tone Aanderaa
*** I know I say it every year...but THIS year the garden, and the exhibition, seems Truly Enchanted...and ENCHANTING! ***
Monday, February 24, 2014
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Thursday, January 2, 2014
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